Behavioral Finance - A Natural Progression
As humans, we build our lives around the way we relate our thoughts, dialogues, and experiences to everything around us and internally within us. Through this, we are constantly making and developing narratives, connections, biases, and associations. These connections are the basis of our relationships and behaviors - with other people, with ourselves, and even with money.
From the Root
All relationships and behaviors have roots from which they take shape. For example, though we may not realize it, our relationships with money may even date back to our early relationships with our family. From my roots, I grew up loving parents that ran their household the way that seemed fit for them. My father was the sole financial provider of the household, while my mother was truly the homemaker and raised my siblings and me. In this role, my mother received an allowance from my father. Some may call this “traditional,” while others call it “conditional.” Regardless, this was the basis for my relationship with money - but I knew I wanted to change that relationship. I always wanted to be independent and not rely on anyone financially, and I craved education and an understanding of what that would mean. My historical narrative changed my values, my relationships, my behaviors, and my life. In my 30 + years of experience, and with the formation of RoZel Financial (named after my mother), I am proud to empower many other people to embrace and understand their financial situations and behaviors, or at least protect them in some way in my advisory capacity. From our roots that help to shape our lives, we can choose to grow.
Natural Progression
To this point, we all have developed narratives, biases, and behaviors, relationships surrounding money. Yet, they can continually change and grow as often (or as little) as we do. Understanding these concepts and how they relate to your life decisions has always been woven throughout my business, and it has been primarily what I have based my business on. Now, we’re giving it a name. Yes, we discuss financial literacy, risk tolerance, financial empowerment, budgets, emotions, behaviors, relationships, and perspective… they are all a natural progression of behavioral finance.
We are genuinely excited to continue this journey with our clients and have newcomers join the exploration. Stay tuned for more blogs, posts, and upcoming seminars with esteemed guest speakers. Let’s talk about our behaviors – are you ready?